Harvey Morse, President of Locaters International, Inc. designed and developed the PI Management Program over the course of many years. This program is designed by an investigator to be used by investigators as it is user friendly, offers investigators a comprehensive solution to manage cases, invoice clients, and access their reports and data in an organized and simple manner.
The ULTIMATE PI Management Software !!
You’ve heard about it and you’ve probably seen it on the Internet! Our Private Investigator Management Program will run your PI office efficiently and professionally. Simple to use.
Assigns file numbers in law enforcement format EX: (99-060001) or enter your own
Compute Sales Tax due between any two dates OR any two case numbers
Unlimited comment field for each case searchable by keywords
Cut & Paste from comment fields into Word® and visa-versa for report writing
Retrieve files by: Case Number, Client, Target, City, or State
Generate and print invoices on your own letterhead
Print mailing labels for clients and attorneys for Holidays or special promotions
Prints Accounts Receivables
Automatically address letters to Client, Attorney or Investigator with case reference number
Prints all Open or Closed cases between any two dates or case numbers
Prints all Paid or Unpaid cases between any two dates or case numbers
Financial information password protected for 10 users (You create/delete the passwords)
Automatically insert FEIN Number on invoices for quicker payment
Prints list of the sources of your cases (Know who to thank or what advertisement is best!)
Daily tickler file: What cases must be reviewed or worked today? What is overdue?
See which cases are assigned to which investigator and what date they must report results
Detailed “Target”, “Attorney” and “Investigator”information screens
Search Case, Attorney, Target or Investigator comment screens for keywords or phrases
Detail information screen for cases assigned to another PI Agency
Program will sit on your taskbar ready for instant use all day long
Many more features! Many browse screens! Customization services available!